Many people try to find the perfect pair of snowshoes - one that is great for all sorts of different activities in winter, while sturdy enough to take anywhere from a few years, one, maximum comfort for your feet and see every great clothes you wear. While this type of shoe perfect does not exist, I think that the boots Sorel Caribou is close enough.
Take a look at its features and you'll understand why.
Ideal for all types of activities during the winter? (Check)
Hea temperature of -40 degrees Celsius. This means that these boots will protect your feet against the cold down to -40 degrees Celsius, which is surprising. So for those of you who are naturally cold feet or live in extreme cold, the Sorel Caribou will certainly serve you well.
Sorel Caribou The trunk is made of a nubuck leather upper shell and solid rubber, so it's waterproof to 100%. So if you go to a lot of work in the wet winter, these bootsKeep your feet warm and dry. Even for those not in conditions of humidity, moisture protection is a must, because it exudes a greater likelihood of water in your shoes in winter. We do not want to go with wet feet?
Fairly robust in lat year? (Check)
It 'important to note that materials such as vulcanized rubber materials and are extremely durable nubuck leather, which means that probably means these boots will last for many years. This can onlybe a good thing, because everyone hates to spend money on a new pair from time to time to spend.
Comfort? (Not bad but not great, so that a full review)
They offer the comfort of these boots are also quite good. Although other brands such as UGG probably offers a more convenient fashion than the Sorel Caribou, the amount of protection and durability of the Sorel Caribou is superior in my opinion. Do not forget that Sorel Caribou was designed for maximum functionality andProtection in mind. It is a real snow specialized boat with great versatility and durability, as opposed to Ugg boots that are not really snow boots, casual but kind of winter boots.
Looks good with many outfits? (Check)
Now for the fashion side of things. Sorel Caribou boot is not the kind of flashy looking snow. Its design is simple and elegant. I actually think that their design is great because it gives them much easier to match with different outfits, on the contrary iswatching some fantasy on snowshoes.
As you can see, boots Sorel Caribou is actually very versatile and fully rounded. So, when you start for a versatile, all-round snow and functional, you are looking for last many years, Sorel Caribou boots might be, what you're looking for. But do not take my word. Check it out for yourself and decide whether to buy, depending on weather conditions and winter activities. If you decide that you buy, you do notbe disappointed.